Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

Sammy gave Alec one last look before walking outside. “See you tomorrow,” he waved to his friends.

  • Sammy walked into a boy outside, who gave a curse as he dropped his sandwich. He gave Sammy a look before walking inside.
  • A boy walked into the Community Kitchen, a Pikachu with a lightning tail on his shoulder.

Sammy considered going in to apologise, before deciding not to bother. He walked towards his home.

  • Sammy’s Eevee was on the couch, and gracefully got up as Sammy entered.

Sammy fed his Eevee two peaches, which was all he had left. He hung up his jacket and went into his room, closing the door,
He spent some time clearing things up, making the room neat. It wasn’t perfect — not by a long shot — but it would do.
He placed his Pokéball on the mantel. It had been a gift from his dad.

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Connor set Psyduck down and grabbed 1 pie and 1 banana for himself, and 2 apples for his Psyduck.

  • The boy with the Pikachu scanned the aisle before grabbing some fruit for himself and his Pokémon. He took a seat away from everyone else.
  • The time was 2:30pm

Sammy patted his Eevee whilst looking out the window

Kiran goes outside after getting ready and grabbing a peach.

(where is there to go or what is there to do?)

(What you would expect in a town)

Sammy stumbled and almost fell, but recovered his balance.

  • Sammy had tripped over a tangle of blankets on the ground. He stood back up as Sammys’ Eevee looked.

Sammy grinned, despite himself. He looked at the clock, hanging on the wall.

  • The clock read 5:00PM. It was Evening, the sun was coming out.

“Getting late,” he said to himself.

  • Sammy’s Eevee yawned, before stretching and falling asleep.
  • The boy with the Pikachu left the Kitchens.
  • James nudged Manthis. “Getting late,” he said.
  • Psyduck waddled over to Connor and made a noise, indicating that it was getting late.

“Oh, ya. I should get back home”, says Mathis as she gets up. “Tomorrow is a big day!”

  • James nodded. “I better go too.” Ignoring the protests, he picked up his Squirtle. “See you there.”
    He left.

Connor noticed the time and decided enough was enough.
He instructed his Psyduck to follow him as he made his way back to his room.