Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

Week One Fixtures

Moleland Mudkipz Vs The Marluxion Munchlaxes

The Vivillion Visonaries Vs The Roaring Pyroars*

*Htm has not submitted a team, so will lose battle one of this fixture. Please send me your teamsheet before you battle Whammerist. There will be no sideboarding allowed for the first battle (Effective battle 2 in the fixture)

The Pangoro Pandemoniums Vs The Stunning Suicunes**

**Sam has only declared two sideboarded pokemon. He may name his third at a later date, but it is not allowed to be used in the match against Noz

The Gambling Garchomps Vs The Chomping Charizards

The Fireous Braxiens* Vs The Dipshit Dittos

*Braixen has not submitted a team, so will lose battle one of this fixture. Please send me your teamsheet before you battle. There will be no sideboarding allowed for the first battle (Effective battle 2 in the fixture)

Matches must be completed before Thursday, 12pm (GMT)

You’ll need to note the results of each battle, and which pokemon survived on the winning side.

@Ami tell me when you ready to battle it out!

Oh ok easy

I can send a team rn probably lol

Just did it should be ok

Not gonna win against anybody who’s serious, I’m a pretty casual Pokémon player lol

Oh shit forgot one move brb maybe

So when do we post teams? It sounds like you want them to be public.

I can see if i can use pokemon showdown through my school wi-fi. If not we can def play tonight, Tuesday, or Wednesday

Yay I get to fight a lesser being!

I just submitted a team before reveals

Should be good to go

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Garchomp vs Charizard!

Garchomp wins ez pz

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Oh I see I thought you meant the auto-loss

tbf you still probably win for free :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not expecting to put up much of a fight

Should I join as “The eevee eevees” :thinking:


You were an hour late. But I’ll let Celeste decide if they want the free win or not. Teams are in the op


@Margaret I trust in u

Bit late, you can be a standby though

Hmm :thinking: Ill let orange have a chance

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