Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

Not a chance I’ll be up that late


@Nerbins should be good periodically throught today

Casually waiting on Marl

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@eevee ready?


Yo lemme wake up and let’s do this
You on to play in like 30 minutes?

All good

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Rip Sam, got badly swept both games

I relate

visionaries coming in hot

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@eevee any idea when you’ll be ready?

Casually waiting on Celeste

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Still 4 matches to be played, 2 days remain :thinking:

I’m busy man

@Marluxion u noob im on a cruise aka high data = no showdown

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So you’re sayin’ you forfeit? :thinking:

Y’know what they say
You cruise you lose!

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jk i can wait

cough cough u know that I tried to fight u b4

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