Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

I’ve added a restricted list

I sense my team getting restricted

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Feel bad for it

How could you restrict Darkrai?:cry: I mean anyways those nightmare nasty plot builds oh god…I love that build.

I forgot a few of them, hold on.

The Marluxion Munchlax


Because darkrai is too stronk

U gonna hate my team then

It’d better be legal or you no take part

Its legal… probably

Wait so…
Showdown or Nodown :frowning:

Ok just read so ye
I’m the Vivillon Visionaries

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I’m the zipper zigzagoon

Yeah I’m not that creative…

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Im Cynthia… but BETTER

/team name "The Panda Pandemonium"


Am I late?

Pangoro Pandemonium :thinking:

also am i allowed to use my Y team as my S/M team is shit

Pangoro is a pokemon, Panda is not. And that’s fine :slight_smile: