Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

I don’t think it’s possible to own a Greninja that starts in Ash - Greninja form tho

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I also didn’t specify not to use hackmons - but no one did.

I’m just saying in future,use a greninja that has battle bound if you want Ash Greninja

It is actualy possible to have Ash Greninja @Marluxion it’s IV’s must be 20s tho, since it’s a gift mon.

Yes but do you own one? :thinking:


I’m pretty sure it starts as a normal greninja and transforms in battle to Ash-Greninja


Sorry Mole, it’s a valid mon.

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Right, then go to an OU battle and see if it starts as an ash-greninja

It will. Ash-Greninja is an event mon and can start as ash with a cost of IVs slightly reduced.

This is what I get if I increased the IVs: image

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You can’t tell me a normal battle bond greninja can’t have IVs higher then 20.

See the difference?

:thinking: Very well. I guess it’s fine

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Should still play in anything goes instead. Mega Pokemon have to transform


I don’t even have mega on my main team, lel

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You’d be better off usually with a regular battle Bond greninja lel

Not for a role I need him for. It lowers his def and hp, but attk and speed stay on 31, wich makes them good swipper. Kinda.

Eh, it would have benefited you against me except game three as it revenge killed two of my weakened pokes… and it then might have threatened chansey lel

Game 3 was actualy winnable for me if it wasn’t so late in the night. I made stupid mistake there, lel.

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Game three… also known as “Oh shit, chansey is too bulky. Let’s pp stall it”

Yeah, it was going good, but pp stalling made me sleepy and I didn’t notice what switched in, lel.

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I was cursing not setting a switch in rule up.