Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

That’s what I said

What’s that

Basically about how frequently you could switch out. He was spamming wish and switching to use up my pp

Just did some checking, that I might have won game two depending on my ev investment if not for that critical hit

uh to chime in on this
ash greninja can start in ash greninja form in the teambuilder but it’ll start as base greninja in OU
in custom game, it’ll start as ash greninja, already transformed
so mole is right on this
change it to base gren and keep battle bond

You probably would have gotten away with it if I hadn’t gotten a critical hit

Oh, @eevee and @Whammerist - you know that random that was spectating that match? He challenged me to a custom battle, which I quit turn three in the face of his level 999 magikarp with magic guard.

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LMAO big mood
mole, when do you want to battle for r3?
ideally not today

A seismic toss dealt less than 1% damage.
He also had 30 Pokemon

Asap, it’s up to you.

@eevee I’m ready for Round 2 whenever you are

This time in Anything Goes, but Ash-Greninja should be fine

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Let’s check if Ash Greninja is Ash Greninja in anything goes.

If not, I will be requesting to change my team lineup.

i’m just telling you how it works
it’s not really something worth changing your lineup off of

You can just use regular greninja with battle Bond and transform…

It needs to kill something to transform ;(

y e a h t h a t ’ s t h e p o i n t

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And that’s not even difficult for a specs greninja


For me.


Score updated

@Sam17z you want to heckin go m8
