Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

@Whammerist still needing that game

Ah, so it’s a Swiss-like round-robin league


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Warning! Incoming Raticate sweep

dear god why

I’m surprised he stayed until the end, lol

You need to put a trigger warning on that for eevee :thinking: Flaerons were harmed in the making of that replay!

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what even lmao

fucken stab facade on what I’m assuming is a 252 Atk 252+ Spe rat

It’s got guts too so it does double damage when burned


@Whammerist @Nerbins @Celeste_Ludenberg @Htm @Ami fixtures are needing playing

Seems @Whammerist is so scared of my team, he’s going to forfeit the match. C’est le vie.

OR i’ve been putting this off because I’m about to travel and you’ve made no attempt to schedule a match with other than
‘hi im on now’
‘hi im on now’
‘hi im on now’
@Moleland battle me sometime today please. thanks.

i won’t be able to fucking make a team, and I’ll be gone from 10th to 17th as well, so :shrug:

Ok, when do you want to battle?

And TBF I’ve asked you when you want to battle and I’ve got silence…

give me an hour or two to take a shower eat breakfast and I can probably do this on my phone

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Alright :+1:

Any idea on a time?