Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

My what now

What is your move set on your mantine besides air slash and toxic? And idk if running hippmonlee is the move you better have a good move set on him or he is going to get smashed.

Name is mole, doesn’t run excadrill. U wot


Want to battle now?

I’m on mobile and I’m about to head to bed. I can in like 8 hours

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Ok sir :stuck_out_tongue:

Rapid spinner

WHAT THE HELL. I needed Mole to lose

That was a battle against a random

Ok cool so why it here

Just showcases how good his team is :thinking:

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Smack talkin’ Marl


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@Ami tell me when you ready.


Sorry but I gotta


oh no u dont brai

what u do is lowkey try to win your battle but fail

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No I am hosting a Sfol and participating in a tournament + Finals for school

Welp seems like the game gonna get cancelled since now 2 replacements are needed

I can possibly bring in some friends of mine that play PS! if needed