Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three


Challenge me on Showdown (I’m Moleland) whenever you wish


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@Nerbins heyo

There result between Moleland and Eevee is in

It was a 2 - 1 victory for the Mudkipz
(2 : 0)
(0 : 3)
(4 : 0)

Moleland has been warned for accidently giving two pokemon leftovers - under the understanding one of them was meant to have black sludge - so it mechanically made no difference - and the healing the incorrect leftovers gave did not affect the result.

Can you possibly do it in an hour?

@Nerbins yes

Technically I’m at 1.5 hours or so but eh

Can you guys ping me when you start?
@orangeandblack5 @Nerbins?

Is it possible to do this tomorrow?

I’m hoping to release the next fixtures by then

It seems that @Htm and @Ami are resigning from the league at this rate.

So can I?

Well, I don’t mind giving you guys 16 hours or so to sort it out.

Good luck I’m driving home most of tomorrow :man_shrugging:

@Nerbins how about now


Alrighty I think that will work as long as my service isn’t dead

Plz ping me when you start. K thx

Should be in 15 minutes I think


@Nerbins boop