Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

Ayyyy when do you want to get jiggy with it?

Not now maybe in a few hours have to go do something

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@whammerist now?

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Lul - nice meme

Just let me know when.

I’ll get on it soon.

HTM, when are you ready?
Oh. Never mind, he’s gone.

When do we have to finish by?

The end of next week lel

Wham, can you play now?

@Sam17z are you likely going to be up for battling within the next 3 hours?

Yup within the next 3 hours

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ay, Ping me when you wanna tussle

He sounded like he was leaving

Yeah, I’m pretending to be active to get this 2-0 win after deadline is done :stuck_out_tongue:


If your waiting for me don’t. Forgot about our game probs do it sometime tomorrow

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It’s the best when you play the long game and it works!


Those three hydro pump misses doe

Wham, now?

How many wham now’s must Eevee say to play him? The world will never know.