Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three


I was cruel, Nerbins earnt two KOs but I switched

Z metronome will save me this time.

No switch please.

That went well.

@Sam17z and @Nerbins you still have to play each other


I won 6-0 and 5-0 - Should have sent out Primeape wayyy sooner

Spike setting was definitely mistake, and should have king’s shielded in the face of the Infernape, then switched into Charizard IMO

What was the result of the second match?

Watch this. https://play.pokemonshowdown.com/battle-gen7anythinggoes-771504903

It’s a link to an empty room

6-0. Serperior contrary


If Nerbins beats Sam by more than 6 KOs, he’ll make the playoffs

So he’ll make the playoffs?

Sam, Eevee and I have made the playoffs

If everyone decides to be nice, maybe I’LL make the playoffs!

I challenged Sam boi.

Get those salty OHKOs :smiley:

You ready?


Accept plz.