Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

I hate the Charizard



Didn’t even get to use him G2

But yeah I win 2-0

I think the air slash ‘Not very effective’ kill on my Xurkitree would disagree

Sam, we need to do it soon. It’s working weekend for me, so monday would be best choice.

Eventualy I can do it during a weekend, but you will have to bare with long breaks in fights if our team leader comes into a room :stuck_out_tongue:

I see potential Best/worst Quote Quality!

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Ummm, Eevee in 5 hours is ok?

2 am? ehhhh…

Saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam, get yourself here and fight me at some normal time, not middle of the night.

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Looks like we are getting more teams removed…

When’s it ending? I can play in a second.

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Your night isn’t my night

Can confirm.

Sam, wanna play now?

@Nerbins fite me


