Poker Night

I actually like this kind of setup. Maybe I can start hosting Poker Night games on the forums

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As an FYI since that turn 1 yesterday was monkaS, Iā€™ll explain some texas hold em rules

At the start of the round, two players are hit by a blind. Thereā€™s a small one, and a larger one. You canā€™t be hit by the same one twice in a row. The money from this blind is added to the pot to incentivize not just endlessly folding. This blind also sets the price for calling for one rotation.

You can do three things when its your turn:

Call - In Poker ā€œcallā€ means to match the current amount of the bet made by a previous player in the round of betting.

Check - This is the equivalent of a call after one rotation has passed and nobody has raised the bet, with the important exception that it costs nothing.

Raise - Raises the current bet. Pay the amount you want to raise it to. ā€œAll inā€ is raising to all of your money.

Fold - duck out of the round. costs nothing, but you canā€™t win the pot with it.

also if yall wanna play a casual poker game im down for that on TTS

@Ami Well that was a long bathroom break. Letā€™s get back to some heavy duty business.

about to have a meeting that was just scheduled today so give me half an hour

My therapist didnā€™t call me at all like sheā€™s supposed to so uhā€¦ idk what to do

no harm in waiting for them rn
cant do shit anyway

I donā€™t know if she even moved on to another person and completely forgot meā€¦ I donā€™t want to interrupt anything if thatā€™s the case

Are you able to text them

No. I donā€™t have their number

Dat wanted to watch

thereā€™s no rules so this is fine

Mybe Dat can be the Max I need

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@DatBird change pfp to max

ok will do


IAWjkmerthgf This is great!

ok done. Was gonna do Max from Pokemon to spite ya, but nah rabbit bois good. But I really wanted to be strongbad


Thatā€™s for next time, little buddy.