Poker Night

Wow, kid. Tickle me impressed. That’s rarer than me hearing something remotely intelligent from a gas station.

1 in 50 no diamonds or clovers


that’s like actually rigged

game is bastard it quite possibly is

The robot from pandora has run of out chips…

@Arete please remove them

I buy in with collateral

lets all gang up an arete

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I’m not trapped in here with you
You’re trapped in here with me

You hear that @Arete

Lets come up with a plan to take them donw. MAke a chat with just us four

three now*

Now I don’t usually like to intentionally hurt someone, but I’ve got another mouth to feed and I don’t want Max to try to eat the couch again.

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I’m not underhanded
Professionals have standards, you know

I want them to look me in the eyes

I would RP but idk shit about my char

Ash pays 800 big blind

Brock pays 400 small blind

We start with you Sam

wait fuck cards

What’s the deal robot
I paid small blind last round

the fuck are my cards