Poor Sportsmanship

Seems to be getting worse lately. Hang an alch who did nothing - Everyone says “fuck off pleb”. Hang a sorc who did a poor job defending themself? “Noob” or “uninstall”… This kind of thing ruins LoL. It ruins ToS. Now its ruining ToL. Id recommend allowing reports to be posted for poor sportsmanship. There is no reason for this kind of behavior.

waits to be flamed


I’m fairly sure that it already is reportable. You should report those people when you see them. I am sure the devs will respond as they want people to use sportsmanship too.

We are not rude at here :stuck_out_tongue:

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I also noticed this.

It started around 2 weeks ago i guess. Might be thanks to steamsale. I can only hope those people lose interest in the game quickly.

Even worse than the flame is the retardo-larping though.
I had countless games with people naming themself thinks like “Cat” or “Justin Bieber” who than consequently spam the chat with song lysrics, senseless nonsense or only write “meow” when trialed regardless of class. I know this is already reportable as inting but it still annoys me endlessly.

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Are we not???

Ok, until I get another reply from someone in authority, Im going to report these. Ill post in my reports that Im not sure if its reportable, but “should” be :wink: And hopefully I wont get a warning ban for it haha!

Dude you won’t warned/banned for reporting someone who you think has done wrong like in the examples you given. Basically reporting said person who’s been Unsportsmanlike will more likely get rid of that type of behavior. The Devs/Mods can only action stuff that has been reported. Its why there’s an report button at the end of game screen.


Mainly just dont want to do any false or frivolous reporting :slight_smile: Ty tho mate!