Popcorn Mafia 2 (Mafia Victory!)

Yep, you got me

Still feeling that htm is scum, and Wolfy is scum for memes.

When did wolfy do memes?

I want to see the memes :frowning:

I meant for the memes

Oh okay

Tbh, if Wolfy flips mafia, feel free to shoot me after if you think that itā€™s either TvT or SvS.
I am undecided what he is


Those two things literally and directly contradict each other, do they not?

No they donā€™t

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Then explain.

Uhh maybe they doā€¦

I guess they are but I seriously donā€™t know anymore

This gamble makes absolute 0 sense if you donā€™t feel confildent in Wolfyā€™s alignmentā€¦ therefore, youā€™re either attempting to LAMIST with false confidence, or youā€™re in an informed position in which you already know how Wolfy will flip.
If you feel Iā€™m mistaken @PokemonKidRyan, explain to me why this isnā€™t the scummiest thing posted in the thread so far.

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It maybe scummy and it may not be scummy

But like I said before I am seriously confused and donā€™t know anymore!

We canā€™t really get any info until we shoot someone.

Yeah until then we will be forever confused!

@PokemonKidRyan then proceeds to completely ignore the thread.


Still like Iā€™m telling you he is a mystery!!

Is he scum? I donā€™t know!

Is he not scum? I donā€™t know!

Iā€™m so confused!!!
