Popcorn Mafia 2 (Mafia Victory!)

Fuck I now hold the gun

Indeed you do

In the absence of you being on my team id settle for bussing Wolfy a psuedo pkr

I’m bad at this

Hippo tell M to shoot me so this is easy lel

@Htm @Whammerist @Simon @Hippolytus are the current targets you may shoot from.

I’d shoot Simon
I’ll be frustrated either way if he wins doing literally nothing

I think Simon and htm are the scum team

Plus I don’t see HTM and Hippo being scum pals at all

If Hippo is scum with htm Ill be genuinely surprised

Shoot Simon

Ima do before I go,
/shoot Htm
Sorry guys I’m bad at scum reading :roll_eyes:

You’re so bad lol

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HTM was Mafia!



Ok rad

One Mafia remains

Now we can’t lose as long as you’ve got faith I’m town

/shoot Simon
If Simon isn’t maf, kill whamm