Popcorn Mafia 2 (Mafia Victory!)

ye you are, just allow me to respond to this

I know das why I pinged you

This pinpoint accuracy on scum is literally one of the biggest indicators youā€™re scum. As NightX posted, I was clear and primary advocate for a Mole shot. Your ACTUAL proponent for the first shot was Lymph, who was town, and clearly everyone understood this.

The next shot that occured was your primary advocacy of the entire game ā€“

Breadcrumbing your scumbuds as soft-scum reads is literally textbook scumming. To call ANY of your advocacies ā€œbussingā€ is a disservice to the term because you never pushed on anyone except really HTM and Lymph, and only after Mole attempted to bus HTM himself.

As good a player you are, I know that you know your point A is bullshit. 100% accuracy on your soft-reads, none of which you wanted shot isnā€™t just scummy, itā€™s blatantly scummy.

This is indeed correct, I misinterpā€™d Moleā€™s intentions going down and did indeed want PKR shot. Unlike the informed minority, I made mistakes. I donā€™t even feel like this is a point I need to address, even AFTER we shot PKR I was STILL his highest townread!

Lel we both know your breadcrumbing was bullshit
if you wanted a wolfy shot, you would get wolfy shot. instead your sole advocacy that actually panned out this game was having lymph shot and night killed

also lel at your 3rd quote for point d which literally contradicts the point
nobody wanted fire to have the gun, hence my quote there
the actual, full context quote was this:

clearly indicating iā€™d rather pkr have the gun than fire.

i literally never said that, nor did you quote you as saying that
we both townleaned each other, this point is nai

lel youā€™re bad. i didnā€™t expect you to be scum, and STATED as such, because as you put in your very op you scumleaned literally every one of your buds
your 100% accuracy on every read you quote and clear breadcrumbing for towncred is enough to show youā€™re scum

not to mention LITERALLY EVERY DEAD TOWNIE WHO SHOT SCUM red me as town harder than you
pkr, night, AND fire

id explain more but im getting heartburn from making this big a post to try and swing a turbo fm game
and you genuinely played well while nobody expect like night on my side cared
gg regardless of how this turns out
@simon follow literally EVERY DEAD TOWNIE and shoot hippo :heart:

I didnā€™t have 100% pinpoint accuracy on every read, which seems to be the main point of your argument. Using an example you quoted just now:

He flipped town. I was wrong on a few things, but I did accurately push all 3 scum to being shot, as oppose to hard defending them like you did several times.

Anyway I cba to give any more brainpower to this so Simon shoot when ur gucci.

We both know I wouldnā€™t expend towncred hard defending HTM while also DIRECTLY BUSSING Mole. Give me a break. This makes no sense.

You didnā€™t push a single scum to lynch. None of your advocacies had any effect on actual shots, except in a negative manner.

ok so:
my mind and my gut say different things, my mind sees and approves of whams logic and thinks hip is maf
my gut says wham is maf, and has for a little bit now

so when at an impasse between your mind and your gut, go with your heart, who you like the most
and i kinda hate to say this, but wham is annoying more often than hippo, and seems kinda pushy
/shoot wham @Marluxion


Fuck you

I like whamā€™s abrasiveness it makes me happy :stuck_out_tongue:

(Oh goodness Simon. You dun goofed.
I was confident in my wham read :expressionless:
Oh well. GG Hip for staying hidden and convincing Simon in the end. Somehow)

yeah i was town.
best feeling when someone tells you ā€œhey my mind says this butā€

Yay! @Marluxion I win despite being scumread for joining the gameā€¦

Did anybody else watching hardcore suspect Hippo/Mole team or was that just me


The second Hippo posted like ā€œhey iā€™ve got allllll the reads oogaboogaā€ I was like ok then I shouldnā€™t have fallen for this, but tbh I genuinely didnā€™t expect htm was scum and hippo and moleā€™s ā€œbusā€ of him threw me off
so :man_shrugging:

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Htm scumslipped 5 seconds into the game.

How the fuck did he live so long. Lol. I take some credit in him living so long.


I f**king donā€™t know tbh


Blame pkr

He gave me the gun

lol my final argument consisted of finding loads of random posts of whamm accusing townies and bigging them up

Well played all, unlucky Simon.

yeah we noticed that
simon literally said in his final decision ā€œyouā€™re annoying Iā€™m shooting youā€ lol

Can we all blame pkr?

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