Popcorn Turbo yay!

I mean… that still wouldn’t clasify.

Team Somewhat Polish is me, Orange, Ici, SmartBomb, NinjaPenguin.
We kinda need one new member but that will probably be Shinchii if any.

How does one change flag.


@Icibalus @orangeandblack5 plz

We only need one more spot anyway

Yeah, make Ici join so I will join, so it will be 7/6 players.

Why are you so discriminatory towards non-polish

You Xenophobe!


Wake up in the middle of the night and join

my pain :frowning:

I’m not Xenophobe. We just didn’t have better name for a team. DERP

What is polish

I never remember the names of european nations in english

Poland. :smiley:

It’s a nation wich is betwen Russia and USA.

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this will probably be canned if eevee doesn’t join

No pressure though Eevee. Our happiness just depends on you. :smile:

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I mean… I like people to suffer.

great way to get him to join solic

really helpful


@eevee join our I’ll throw a thunder stone on you.

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You can make us suffer by joining. :eyes: I never said the relation was positive.

I’m helping.