Popcorn Turbo yay!


Can you add a description to the OP?


Before the game starts, mafia must elect a townie to be the gunbearer. That player has until deadline (20 minutes) runs out to shoot another player. If the gunbearer hits scum, they keep the gun. If the gunbearer hits town, the gunbearer dies and the targeted townie becomes the new gunbearer.

If the gunbearer does not shoot by deadline, they die and the mafia pick a new gunbearer.

The gunbearer is always announced and confirmed as innocent.

This game is nightless.

If I’m chosen for a gun be prepared for me to snipe someone by mistake.

Just don’t be triggerhappy Wazza. :cry:

Night 0 starts (sort of)

Do not post. Mafia is being sent theirs role pm and have time to chose a first gunbearer.

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ha ha ha

Eevee has evolved to co-host somehow.


I remember what you and Blue did to me…



sorry I can’t read, I’ll shut up now.

wtf is this???

How can you even poke somebody


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Poster below me is lit like a litten.


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The mafia plotting both eating a handful of popcorn decided the BEST way to take over the town is to let the townies do it themselves, no blood on their hands. They thought the town would be TOO stupid to shoot them, but let’s find out shall we.

@Mercenary has been chosen, they have 20 minutes before KABAM themselves in the face. my timer starts now

D1 has started

Merc shoot solic now

Merc shoot Maxi now.

Solic and/or Wazzu is a scum