Positivity Thread (To counteract the karmic imbalance caused by the Venting Thread)

No my class has 40 people

You were the closest person to me sorry :((
I just was afraaaaid to lose you. No slapperinos.

So people from another class knew you
AND crushed you
Damn Merc thats some high steps in social life

I just noticed after all those years that your pfp isn’t an inverted fanart of spiderman

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Well now I can’t unsee it

I’m pretty sure panda also crushes me
And 2 years ago a girl declared to me
and poste but poste is poste

If I told you I kinda see that coming from panda
And I talked like 59 words with him
Men are predictable

He saved my name with a heart after it on my phone
Also the cousin of my cousin also likes me since he was 7

Oh so he was the heart guy
Yeah totally then

Merc give up these boies live with me

How do I tell a teenager I don’t love them without them blamin themselves 101

I already sent you my adress :wink:

You don’t, they either blame themselves or you

“She is only interested in jerks” :tm:
I can feel that coming from one of their friends.
I don’t know which.
But I feel.

Okay BUT we did not set up a meeting here yet
Idk if you really would do it or it was just something you said in that phase to treat me like I treat you

I would like to but I wouldn’t do crazy shit like going to SP

Oh Merc you filthy female stop breaking the Nice GuysTM heart
Fucking monster.

Women don’t have a heart
Also I am am fake nerd
I only play TRPG to impress them

Hey it is not crazy shit
Not that much tbh
Thing is is easier to say “hey mom gonna go SP” than “hey mom gonna go snekcity in STOP AT”
i would gladly do you a visit but welp