Possible Solution to Deathnote Reporting

Have a report button that if you click it, it takes a photo of the deathnote and submits it along with the killer’s Lobby name/Steam name/UUID to a mod location maybe?


  • One simple button
  • Easy on the mods
  • If they change their Lobby name and Steam name, you have the UUID which tracks their name changes


  • Requires a photo taken automatically-- Not sure how that would be programmed…

With that con, my suggestion:
I would think there is a place that the image for the deathnote is stored, and maybe instead of maybe a screen-cap of the death note, when it appears, it just send the mods a copy of the file with the image already in it

Or if it’s going strictly through the game, maybe gives the mod a notification and a button that, when pressed, brings up the death note in the same /a similar manner as in-game

yeah we’ll use a picture with the other info ~ already have a plan