Post 1.12 suggestions

Well like i said they dont plan to :confused: which sucks

Dead. Should. Stay. Dead.

Mystics are great at gathering info.

Yes. But .No .Not .Anymore. Becuase. Nobody. Claims. To. Mystic. OOF

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Yes they do. You can always get one of those people to claim by saying. I’ll give you a cookie if you claim. Always works


ah ive been playing mystic wrong


At the same time however, most dead people will be gone

So good luck getting a successful Seance off

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First, since SĂ©ance is more like an ‘extra’ for the Mystic that isn’t overly powerful, it is not that big a deal.

Second, that’s why I suggested that BD upon death would be informed that a Mystic is active. Surely it won’t convince all to stay, but it may help.

SĂ©ance seems very cool and a good change. I think it would be interesting if what the Mystic could do was select a category such as how they died (This would be of balance, for example there would be no deathnote that could be selected for poss jump, just possibly poss). They would then need to decipher something, I think this may make SĂ©ance more useful. I don’t know that it would be easy to program or any of the other categories that the Mystic could choose from. At the moment I think that the SĂ©ance presented is too weak and would ultimately turn Mystic into a simpler class that doesn’t have much use. I do think that Mystic currently needs to have some attention. It would also be interesting to see how SĂ©ance would effects classes such as Illusionists and Apostles, if SĂ©ance would be included or missing from one or both. I think that, although slightly off-topic, something should be done with Illusionist to make it so that you don’t need to automatically change your claim and get a new will because you were converted.

Heres the thing its not going to be made since the devs are done with dead interaction

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