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pls beg



The draec carefully waited for the orb to disperse. He knew it’d probably be an advantage for his opponent, since it’d be easier for them to know when it’d explode, but he was so focused on his timing that he didn’t point it out. The moment the orb bursted, he flapped his wings, giving him a burst of speed as he fled towards Ravus fist first, holding his fist infront of him like superman to collide with him. A few meters away from him, he remembered that this wasn’t supposed to be a fight to the death, and spread his wings wide to slow himself down, still flying to Ravus at great speeds.

He snapped out of his reminisence. Again. He lost himself again in his memory. He barely had time to shift his position sideway in order to avoid the Draec’s fist. The sudden transition was smooth, not unlike what one would expect from someone startled.

All due credit was given to his now unformed lower torso. Ravus had sacrificed them during the war for this purpose. Increasing his stability in battle. Eliminating terrain disadvantages. As Broyl flew passed him, he drew his sword and slashed its blade – dulled with darkness essence – at the Draec’s back.

Broyl groaned as the elemental swiftly dodged past him, feeling the cold steel hitting his back. He should’ve been more careful, and not so eager to capitalize on Ravus’s weakness. But he had a plan anyway. If his opponent wanted to go the hard route, he could as well. He muttered “Thoris genar”. Suddendly, sparks and small lightnings appeared where he was hit, and a strong electrical current coursed through the blade, almost instantly travelling to Ravus’s hand.

The jolt was unexpected. Ravus gritted his teeth as he dropped his sword and almost instinctively sent a kick to the Draec… Only to remember he didn’t have legs anymore. Instead, another sphere of darkness materialised between him and the Draec. It burst into fog, momentarily clouding vision.

The Draec’s vision, of course.

Ravus used the opportunity to distanced himself from the Draec. His right arm felt numb. The Draec was unexpectedly talented in magic as well. Without his sword, Ravus exerted his will on the abundance essence around him, slowly, shrouding himself in thick darkness.

Drakewing quickly stepped back with a smirk.He looked through the thick shadows, letting small lightnings course around his clawed hand, showing it was electrified clearly as he waited patiently for the elemental to make a move.

“Come out there… or are you paralyzed yet?” he giggled to himself. He knew he didn’t stick the voltage highly enough to incapacitate them fully, or kill them. Or at least;. he hoped so.

There was no answer. Ravus ignored the provocation. His mind was concentrated at the task on hand. As he hid inside the expanding black fog, a cloaked figure resembling himself started to form. The figure, despite being composed of darkness, was more defined than the fog, much like Ravus. The figure started to hover, putting distances between itself and Ravus. He needed to wait.

“…hmph. I thought I told you to come to me. I won’t move towards you, this time. I thought you wanted this fight to be short…” Despite his provocations and the opponent taking his distance, he knew it’d be foolish to rush things again.

Cautious. The Draec was not as simple as he thought. With the time at his hand, another figure came into being. Unlike the previous figure, the second figure was merely an illussion. The black fog had started to disperse. When it went away, three cloaked figures stood motionlessly. Like the systematic movement of a clock, the three figures leapt toward the Draec, their claws obvious under the night.

The draec’s eyes darted between the three figures. He wasn’t sure if he cloned himself or just made illusions. But it didn’t matter. he’d take out the three in one blow. He waited for them to come as close as he could, before slashing his claw towards the three, and once that was done, using the momentum to roundhouse kick any shadows that had dodged.

The illussion dispersed as soon as Broyl’s claw scratched its body. Ravus and the remaining clone moved backward, with Ravus retreating further than the clone. The clone took damage as the Draec released a kick toward it. No matter. He took up his sword, laying under him as the clone released a barrage of slashes at the Draec. He had intended to use the sword.

He charged forward, thrusting his sword toward the Draec.

He swiftly dodged the drone’s barrage of attacks, ducking under a swing and looking up before the very real Ravus thrusted his sowrd towards him. He grabbed it with one hand, giggling like a kid as he yanked it from Ravus’s hands. “I could’ve broken it if I wanted, you know.”

Two points. He mentally counted to himself as the Draec, instead of deflecting his blade or dodging it, caught it with his hand instead. Without losing his momentum, Ravus kept pressing forward with his clone, relying on his claws now that his sword was gone.

He gritted his teeth together to muffle a swear as a few drops of blood dripped down from the fist he had clenched around the blade. Whatever Ravus had put on there, it was way sharper than it should, and he quickly let it fall to the ground, focusing on fending off the double attacker. His pulse started to quicken… he was getting angry… suddendly, after dodging the real Ravus’ jab, he grabbed the clone’s head, straight through his guard. He didn’t know wich one was the real one, but it didn’t matter. As he bent the head until he heard the crack. He hoped if that was the original, the clone would live on, since they both were able to attack.

The Draec, in anger, had focused his attention on his clone. To be fair, if he was the one that was caught, he would need to recuperate for months to heal the injury that would befall him if the Draec had attacked him instead. He could hear his clone snapped, dissapating back into darkness. Using the opportunity, Ravus circled around the Draec and hit the Draec’s back with the blunt side of his claws.

“The third hit,” he softly said. He took a step back and gave Broyl a slight bow.

“Thank you for your cooperation.”

Broyl froze as he felt the claw lightly hit his back. He lost. Or…did he? He blink idly as the elemental did their honorable things he didn’t even want to know about. Hapilly for him, he just had blown off some steam by breaking his opponent’s clone’s neck, or he’d be nothing less than a puddle of blood when he was done. Instead of bowing back, he turned around and backhanded the elemental’s face, before flapping his wings and taking off. Where was he going? Even him did not know… but he went away. He needed to spend some time alone.

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山卄卂丅 丅卄乇 下凵匚长 刀工刀 丫口凵 丁凵丂丅 下凵匚长工𠘨厶 丂卂丫 卂乃口凵丅 从乇, 丫口凵 乚工丅丅乚乇 乃工丅匚卄? 工’乚乚 卄卂リ乇 丫口凵 长𠘨口山 工 厶尺卂刀凵卂丅乇刀 丅口尸 口下 从丫 匚乚卂丂丂 工𠘨 丅卄乇 𠘨卂リ丫 丂乇卂乚丂, 卂𠘨刀 工’リ乇 乃乇乇𠘨 工𠘨リ口乚リ乇刀 工𠘨 𠘨凵从乇尺口凵丂 丂乇匚尺乇丅 尺卂工刀丂 口𠘨 卂乚-㔿凵卂乇刀卂, 卂𠘨刀 工 卄卂リ乇 口リ乇尺 300 匚口𠘨下工尺从乇刀 长工乚乚丂. 工 卂从 丅尺卂工𠘨乇刀 工𠘨 厶口尺工乚乚卂 山卂尺下卂尺乇 卂𠘨刀 工’从 丅卄乇 丅口尸 丂𠘨工尸乇尺 工𠘨 丅卄乇 乇𠘨丅工尺乇 凵丂 卂尺从乇刀 下口尺匚乇丂. 丫口凵 卂尺乇 𠘨口丅卄工𠘨厶 丅口 从乇 乃凵丅 丁凵丂丅 卂𠘨口丅卄乇尺 丅卂尺厶乇丅. 工 山工乚乚 山工尸乇 丫口凵 丅卄乇 下凵匚长 口凵丅 山工丅卄 尸尺乇匚工丂工口𠘨 丅卄乇 乚工长乇丂 口下 山卄工匚卄 卄卂丂 𠘨乇リ乇尺 乃乇乇𠘨 丂乇乇𠘨 乃乇下口尺乇 口𠘨 丅卄工丂 乇卂尺丅卄, 从卂尺长 从丫 下凵匚长工𠘨厶 山口尺刀丂. 丫口凵 丅卄工𠘨长 丫口凵 匚卂𠘨 厶乇丅 卂山卂丫 山工丅卄 丂卂丫工𠘨厶 丅卄卂丅 丂卄工丅 丅口 从乇 口リ乇尺 丅卄乇 工𠘨丅乇尺𠘨乇丅? 丅卄工𠘨长 卂厶卂工𠘨, 下凵匚长乇尺. 卂丂 山乇 丂尸乇卂长 工 卂从 匚口𠘨丅卂匚丅工𠘨厶 从丫 丂乇匚尺乇丅 𠘨乇丅山口尺长 口下 丂尸工乇丂 卂匚尺口丂丂 丅卄乇 凵丂卂 卂𠘨刀 丫口凵尺 工尸 工丂 乃乇工𠘨厶 丅尺卂匚乇刀 尺工厶卄丅 𠘨口山 丂口 丫口凵 乃乇丅丅乇尺 尸尺乇尸卂尺乇 下口尺 丅卄乇 丂丅口尺从, 从卂厶厶口丅. 丅卄乇 丂丅口尺从 丅卄卂丅 山工尸乇丂 口凵丅 丅卄乇 尸卂丅卄乇丅工匚 乚工丅丅乚乇 丅卄工𠘨厶 丫口凵 匚卂乚乚 丫口凵尺 乚工下乇. 丫口凵’尺乇 下凵匚长工𠘨厶 刀乇卂刀, 长工刀. 工 匚卂𠘨 乃乇 卂𠘨丫山卄乇尺乇, 卂𠘨丫丅工从乇, 卂𠘨刀 工 匚卂𠘨 长工乚乚 丫口凵 工𠘨 口リ乇尺 丂乇リ乇𠘨 卄凵𠘨刀尺乇刀 山卂丫丂, 卂𠘨刀 丅卄卂丅’丂 丁凵丂丅 山工丅卄 从丫 乃卂尺乇 卄卂𠘨刀丂. 𠘨口丅 口𠘨乚丫 卂从 工 乇乂丅乇𠘨丂工リ乇乚丫 丅尺卂工𠘨乇刀 工𠘨 凵𠘨卂尺从乇刀 匚口从乃卂丅, 乃凵丅 工 卄卂リ乇 卂匚匚乇丂丂 丅口 丅卄乇 乇𠘨丅工尺乇 卂尺丂乇𠘨卂乚 口下 丅卄乇 凵𠘨工丅乇刀 丂丅卂丅乇丂 从卂尺工𠘨乇 匚口尺尸丂 卂𠘨刀 工 山工乚乚 凵丂乇 工丅 丅口 工丅丂 下凵乚乚 乇乂丅乇𠘨丅 丅口 山工尸乇 丫口凵尺 从工丂乇尺卂乃乚乇 卂丂丂 口下下 丅卄乇 下卂匚乇 口下 丅卄乇 匚口𠘨丅工𠘨乇𠘨丅, 丫口凵 乚工丅丅乚乇 丂卄工丅. 工下 口𠘨乚丫 丫口凵 匚口凵乚刀 卄卂リ乇 长𠘨口山𠘨 山卄卂丅 凵𠘨卄口乚丫 尺乇丅尺工乃凵丅工口𠘨 丫口凵尺 乚工丅丅乚乇 “匚乚乇リ乇尺” 匚口从从乇𠘨丅 山卂丂 卂乃口凵丅 丅口 乃尺工𠘨厶 刀口山𠘨 凵尸口𠘨 丫口凵, 从卂丫乃乇 丫口凵 山口凵乚刀 卄卂リ乇 卄乇乚刀 丫口凵尺 下凵匚长工𠘨厶 丅口𠘨厶凵乇. 乃凵丅 丫口凵 匚口凵乚刀𠘨’丅, 丫口凵 刀工刀𠘨’丅, 卂𠘨刀 𠘨口山 丫口凵’尺乇 尸卂丫工𠘨厶 丅卄乇 尸尺工匚乇, 丫口凵 厶口刀刀卂从𠘨 工刀工口丅. 工 山工乚乚 丂卄工丅 下凵尺丫 卂乚乚 口リ乇尺 丫口凵 卂𠘨刀 丫口凵 山工乚乚 刀尺口山𠘨 工𠘨 工丅. 丫口凵’尺乇 下凵匚长工𠘨厶 刀乇卂刀, 长工刀刀口.

Translated with Google translate:

Under the 山 丅 丅 丅 卄 Torr 凵 凵 匚 long knife knife 丫 mouth 凵 Ding 凵 丂 丅 丅 凵 凵 凵 long 𠘨 𠘨 厶 丂 工 long 𠘨 厶 丂 卂 maidservants 丫 卂 卂 口 口 口 口 口 口 from Torr, 丫 乚 乚 丅 乚 乚 torr labor 工 匚工 工 workers ‘’ 乚 卄 卂 リ torr 丫 mouth 凵 long 𠘨 mouth 工 工 工 workers 凵 卂 knife 凵 卂 丅 Torr knife 丅 mouth 尸 mouth 尸 mouth from the mouth under the 匚 乚 卂 丂 丂 丂 workers 𠘨 丅 卄 Torr 𠘨 卂 marijuana Torrリ 乚 丂, 𠘨 𠘨 Knife リ Torr is Torr Torr 𠘨 workers 口 mouth 乚 Li Torr Knife 𠘨 workers 𠘨 凵 凵 凵 凵 凵 凵 凵 from Torr feet 凵 丂 丂 丂 Torr 匚 foot Torr 丅 卂 卂 knife 丂 𠘨 𠘨 乚 乚 㔿 㔿 㔿 卂 卂Torr knife 卂, 𠘨 𠘨 knife 卄 卂 リ Torr mouth レ Rod ruler 300 匚 mouth 𠘨 workers foot from the torch knife long 工 乚 丂 工 工 workers 丅 卂 卂 workers 𠘨 Torr knife workers 𠘨 厶 厶 厶 工 工 工 工 工 workers Ruler 卂 foot torr 卂 𠘨 knife workers from the 卄 卄 Torr 丅 mouth corpse 丂 𠘨 尸 corpse workers torr ruler 工 丅 卄 Torr 乇 𠘨 丅 丅 尺 尺 尺 尺 labor 凵 丂 丂 卂 feet from the cutter under the mouth 匚 乇 Torr 丂.卂 foot torr 𠘨 mouth 丅 丅 workers 𠘨 厶 厶 mouth from the Torr is 凵 凵 丅 凵 Ding 凵 丂 丅 丅 卂 𠘨 𠘨 mouth 丅 卄 乇 Torr 丅 丅 卂 feet 厶 乇 乇 Torr 工 workers 乚 乚 workers 乚 mountain 尸 mouth 凵 丅 卄 卄Torr 凵 匚 Long 凵 口 丅 工 工 工 工 工 卄 卄 卄 卄 卄 卄 workers workers 口 workers 𠘨 丅 卄 workers 乇 乇 乇 workers torr 丂 mouth downhill 卄 workers 匚 卄 卄 卂 丂 𠘨 Torr Torr Rui Torr Torr 𠘨 丂 Torr Torr 𠘨 is Torr mouth mouth scale Torr port 𠘨 丅 卄 卄 workers 丂 torr 卂 feet 丅 卄, from 卂 feet long from 凵 凵 匚 匚 long-term workers 厶 厶 Yamaguchi ruler. 丫 凵 凵 丅 卄 𠘨 workers 𠘨 long 口 mouth 凵 匚 卂 𠘨厶 乇 丅 卂 卂 卂 卂 mountain 卂 mountain workers 丅 卄 丂 卂 卂 工 workers 𠘨 厶 卄 卂 卂 丅 卄 卄 卄 卄 卄 卄 卄 workers from the mouth リ mouth リ mouth rt 尺 リ Torr 丅 丅 卄 torr workers 𠘨 乇 Torr 𠘨 𠘨 Torr 丅 丅 𠘨 workers 𠘨 long卂 厶 卂 𠘨 𠘨 workers, the next 凵 匚 long 乇 ruler 卂 丂 mountain toro 丂 dead torr 卂 long 卂 workers from the mouth 𠘨 丅 丅 卂 匚 𠘨 𠘨 workers 丅 from 丂 torr 匚 foot torr 丅 𠘨 𠘨 torr Yamaguchi feet long mouth丂 corpses 丂 卂 匚 匚 feet 丂 丂 丂 卄 卄 乇 乇 乇 乇 乇 𠘨 𠘨 𠘨 𠘨 knife 丫 mouth 凵 foot workers corpse 丂 is torr workers 𠘨 厶 丅 卂 卂 匚 匚 匚 Torr knife 工 厶 丅 丅 𠘨 𠘨 mouth 丂 丂 mouth Ya Mouth 凵 is Torr 丅 丅 乇 Torr ruler foot corpor foot scale 乇 footer under the pressure 口 乇 口 口 mouth 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 mouth 丅 尺 尺 from 卂 厶 厶 厶 mouth 丅 卄 卄 乇 丅 丅 丅 丅 mouth 丅 卄 丅 丅 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 尸 mountain 尸 尸 workers丂 mouth丅 丅 卄 TORA 卂 丅 卄 卄 Torr 丅 匚 workers 匚 乚 乚 乚 乚 torr 卄 卄 workers 𠘨 乚 乚 Torr 卄 卄 labor 𠘨 厶 口 口 乇 匚 卂 乚 乚 乚 乚 丫 丫 丫 乚 乚 乚 workers under Torr. 丫 mouth 凵 '厶 knife torr 卂 knife, long knife. 工 匚 卂 𠘨 is torr 卂 𠘨 山 Yamashita torr foot torr, 卂 𠘨 Ya 丅 workers from Torr, 𠘨 𠘨 knife workers 匚 卂 𠘨 long-term workers 乚 乚 丫 mouth 凵 workers 𠘨 mouth rier Rod scale丂 Torr Torr 𠘨 卄 凵 凵 𠘨 𠘨 𠘨 knife foot knife cutter knife knife knife knife 卂 山 丂 丂 丂 丅 knife 丅 卄 丅 丅 丂 丂 凵 凵 丅 丅 工 丅 工 丅 工 丅 mountain workers from 乃 卂 foot Torr 卄 卂 𠘨 𠘨 knife knife 丂 mouth 丅 mouth卂 乚 丫 卂 from work torr 乂 丅 丅 torr 丂 丂 work torr 乇 丅 丅 丅 labor 𠘨 torr knife workers 𠘨 凵 𠘨 𠘨 从 feet from the torch knife 匚 mouth from is 卂 丅, is 凵 丅 workers 卂 リ 乇 匚 匚 匚Torr 丂 丂 丂 丅 丅 丅 卄 Torr 𠘨 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 丅 labor-footer 卂 丂 丂 Torr 𠘨 卂 乚 乚 mouth 卄 卄 卄 乚 mouth 卄 卄 Torr 𠘨 丅 workers 丅 Torr knife 𠘨 工 knife 山 乚 凵 丂 torr 丅 乚 凵 丂 torr 丅 丅 workers 丅 丅 mouth 丅 丅 工 workers 丅 丂 丂 乚 乚 丅 丅 Torr 𠘨 丅 丅 丅 丅 mouth 尸 mouth 尸 mouth 尸 workers 乇 mouth 凵 mouth 凵 feet 工 feet from the 丂 Torr 卂 卂 is 乚 乚 Torr 卂 丂 丂 mouth Under the 丅 卄 Torr 卂 匚 匚 Torr mouth 丅 卄 卄 Torr 匚 mouth 𠘨 丅 𠘨 workers 𠘨 torr 𠘨 丅, 丫 凵 乚 乚 乚 workers 丅 乚 乚 Torr 卄 卄 丅 丅 workers 工 工 工 工 mouth 凵 匚 工 mouth 凵 匚 mouth 凵 乚Knife 卄 卂 リ Torr long 𠘨 mouth mountain 𠘨 mountain 卄 卂 丅 凵 𠘨 𠘨 卄 卄 mouth 乚 尺 feet 乇 乇 feet 乃 foot workers workers 凵 丅 丅 workers 𠘨 mouth 𠘨 丫 mouth 凵 乚 workers 丅 丅 乚 Torr “匚 乚 Torr Rui Torr Ruler” 匚The mouth from the torr 𠘨 丅 mountain 卂 丂 卂 卂 卂 卂 口 口 丅 丅 丅 mouth is a footwork 工 厶 knife 口 山 𠘨 knife 口 𠘨 凵 凵 mouth 𠘨 mouth 凵 mouth 凵 乃 乃 乃 Ya mouth 凵 mouth 凵 Yamaguchi 凵 乚 knife 卄 卂 レ torr 卄 Torr乚 knife 丫 mouth 凵 feet 凵 匚 long-term workers 𠘨 厶 丅 丅 丅 𠘨 凵 乇 Torr. Is 凵 丅 丫 凵 匚 匚 匚 mouth 凵 乚 knife 𠘨 ‘丅, 口 凵 knife 工 knife 𠘨’ 卂, 卂 𠘨 knife 𠘨 mouth Yamaha口 mouth 尺 feet 乇 尸 foot corpse 卂 工 workers 尸 厶 丅 卄 乇 尸 body mass workers 匚 Torr, 口 凵 凵 mouth 刀 knife 𠘨 𠘨 knife workers 口 丅 工 工 工 workers 山 乚 卄 卄 丅 workers under 凵 凵 feet 丫 卂 乚乚 乚 mouth Torr ruler 丫 口 卂 𠘨 knife 口 mouth 凵 mountain workers 乚 乚 knife 口 mouth 𠘨 𠘨 workers 𠘨 workers 丅. 丫 mouth 凵 feet 乇 凵 long 𠘨 knife 乇 knife Torr 卂 knife, long knife blade.

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Mine is mostly roleplaying stuff tbh

scream fuck die

A happy Fade? Now that’s something I haven’t see in a while.



even I

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on peut aller au restaurant pour manger et boire, ou aller au supermarché pour faire du shopping. On peut aussi aller à la piscine et nager. On peut aller à la patinoire pour jouer, mais je n’aime pas la patinoire car c’est horrible et je ne suis pas sportive



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┈┈╱▕┊┊free ┈┊┊▏╲┈┈
┈┈╲╱┊┊bobby ┈┊┊╲╱┈┈
┈┈┈▏╋ shmurda ╋▕┈┈┈

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:metal:t2: Mastermind Methnor :metal:t2: - Today at 3:21 PM
“mods are tight” :smork:


!r 1d20+6