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You’re telling me drawing animals having sex does not mean you’re into bestiality???


If it is in IRL, then there is some problem.

But if it is not in IRL? Then no.


Stop trying to use one’s action to represent the whole community.

I choose Second option

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Stop right there hjasik

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By your logic, pedos can look at CP online, but as long as they don’t molest a kid it’s fine.

oh boy

not this convo again

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y’all need some chill in your life

or else no cat pics or face reveal

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Jesus Christ, Luxy, you’re giving me deja vu

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I’ve just been in this place before

I like where this conversation is going

Ffs let people have their kinks


Well, irl Bestiality is very disgusting, so no, not that one


Yeh fucking animals is a no no from pretty much everyone’s POV


@Whammerist just wanted to ping you for no reason


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Grumble grumble

The main difference here is in the nature of an anthropomorphic animal as opposed to an ordinary animal. The biggest attribute in the “humanizing” of an animal (at least for furries) is the level of sentience and intelligence. Most of the time, the creatures that furries create, imagine and draw have human level intelligence, expression and sentience. Mentally and emotionally, they’re basically human. They simply have bodies that have elements of the animals, not unlike anime cat girls.

Bestiality is, in many cultures, considered close to rape, since an animal can’t responsibly make an informed decision on its own sexual activity. And from what I’ve heard, bestialists don’t always care whether or not the animal consents even at its level. Most furries truly do care greatly about animals and don’t want to see them harmed or abused. So this is a very hard line that furries simply don’t cross. To furries, bestiality is considered on the same level as child molestation. Outside of a normal affection for pets or care for the well-being of animal life, furries don’t generally have any perverse interest in normal animals at all.

Another major difference: Bestiality is a sexual fetish. It’s about sex only. Furry interest in anthropomorphic animals is in regards to everything. Furries are fascinated with daily life as an anthropomorphic creature would live it – what they would think about, what job they might have, what religions they would practice, how much trouble it would be to clean all the fur out of the shower drain! Sex IS an element in furry interest because sex is an element of the daily lives of all of us. But furry is by no means exclusively sexually driven.

So as to your question, no. Not only does being a furry not equate to bestiality, it’s not even compatible with it, and in the vast majority you’ll find, it is opposed to it.


Tl;dr, actual bestalitly=shit, furry shit as long as it’s consenting=good.