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Guess I’ll try some next time I go there

Also, Marl, have you had the Quesarito? It’s also pretty good (Once again, take off the sour cream if you don’t like it)

the wat

a quesarito sounds like some kind of eldritch fusion of a burrito and a quesadilla


That’s exactly what it is, look it up

We only have 1 taco bell in all of australia and its a 30min drive


it’s not great mexican food, but it’s cheap and fast and somewhat decent

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Wait, Australia has a Taco Bell? AND ONLY ONE?! I’m contacting the CEO right now

Opened last year

Im waiting for chick file to come to aus even tho it’ll never happen

I have an addiction to the nacho cheese sauce, so if I see that anywhere, you know I’m going after it

Also waiting for five guys which say they’re coming by 2020

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Chick-Fil-A and Five Guys are also great places, although I don’t usually stop by Chick-Fil-A due to… politics

The best burger I’ve ever eaten was when I went to five guys in the usa

haven’t ever tried five guys, none close to where i live

i hear they’re very good tho

same with white castle, in n out and other such places

none nearby

White Castle is okay, and I’ve never lived near an In n Out, so I can’t give my opinion on that either

Meanwhile me in Thailand:

“wHaT aRe ThOsE?”

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Don’t let politics enter every single aspect of your life, if you want fried chicken get the fried chicken

I only got the tasty ass chicken nuggets because they were tame enough for my stomach after I had a bad puking episode from eating too many Starburst gummies

And they have cheese sauce now and holy shit does it taste so fucking good

I hate the red ones