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MaximusBeta rip our hydra

Who what now

I think we got replaced out


I didn’t choose this life, it chose me :^)

Oh yeah, the one on MU, Livi and I had the same game, but it was during finals week, so we couldn’t really do it. Turns out that got cancelled because of the roll back on time after the hack

not liking chocolate isn’t even that weird

my little brother (just turned 18) doesn’t like cheese :thinking:

Jesus Christ

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This reminds me of the PSAT

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Eh cheese is ok but too much and I get sick

Yeah we did cause you didn’t know the password .-.

Had to tell Aquila that I didn’t know what to do

Don’t forget Beer, especially in Milwaukee

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Wait… If you’re 32 and your younger brother is 18… How old are your parents???


i messaged you the password do you expect me to remember it too?

Bruh I didn’t expect steam to delete the messages

I should get some sleep but the hunger for mexican food won’t let me!

Why mexican food in particular

Because it’s my favorite type of food :woman_shrugging:


That’s why I’ve developed an addiction to Taco Bell ever since I was a child

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