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Why is the fuck sound coming from here OH GOD MAXIS VIDEO WAS ON AUTOPLAY MY MOBILE DATA

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@MaximusPrime please put it under a spoiler tab

meanwhile, in the background, the same 2 minutes of a song are playing on repeat at an octave higher than they should over and over again

can you update this so its in details or spoilers please? that way it doesnt auto play when i load the thread

oof i didnt even get a chance to read this before i posted that because of it

sorry, won’t happen again >.<

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silviculture? what’s that? silvyr’s culture?


Adjective on portuguese to something that is wild
/silv/ as in silvan

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Andrew Carew - Noble

N1 - Gossip 1 1x did not require

just some noble logs

Enrolando o seu dedo em um pedaço de espanadrapo com algodão e limpando o resto dos utensílios, ele guarda a caixa e se levanta, prestando atenção nele enquanto falava uma língua estranha e depois dizendo que precisava partir.[§K1] - Então, depois que nos livrarmos dos Eldanos, eu… posso ir com você?

  • When using Flirt , one of three possible sets of investigative results will appear:
  1. Killer / Offensive
  2. Special / Investigative
  3. Support / Social
  • You can look up the various types in the in-game guide if you’re unsure which type a certain class belongs to. It is important to note that framed targets (the Scorned can frame their targets, and the Fool can frame himself) will show up as Killer / Offensive. When in doubt, you can always check the target again the following night.
  • If The Drunk, The Alcoholic or The Invoker redirects you to visit The King on a night you use Flirt , you will receive the feedback “[1] is the King.”

Once you’ve chosen a deity, consider your cleric’s relationship to that god. Did you enter this service willingly? Or did the god choose you, impelling you into service with no regard for your wishes? How do the temple priests of your faith regard you: as a champion or a troublemaker? What are your ultimate goals? Does your deity have a special task in mind for you? Or are you striving to prove yourself worthy of a great quest?


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This image is deeply disturbing


It feels as if someone is covering up their lack of anatomic understanding with paint technique, which is actually really common in art

Basically there isn’t torso movement in the coat and it seems like the wind only affects the hair and skirt
Arm is also curved
And I just have a grudge in general for styles where the torso is the size of the head