Pretender - Neutral Special
Dirty blood - x2 votes when stepping. For every royal blood player killed, add 1 to the multiplier.
Usurper - Player who get Blood tested can’t step for king.If pretender died.then remove that passive.
(Day ability)
Ballot mixing(2 charges) - Force all abstained player to vote as what you voted on trial.
Blood test(Unlimited charges) - Check a player to know their class type tonight.If it is royal blood,will cause a bleed effect on that player when used.
(Night ability)
Poison wound(Unlimited charges) - Target a bled player,his bleed will be unhealable.(Can be delayed)
Kinslayer ambush(2 charges)(Unusable until n4) - Attack king.if there are another player who also targeted king,attack him instead.(If there is two,then pretender will not choose to attack tonight)
Goal:Become king and survive.
Edits 2.0 - fuck sake,i put some shit mistake in there.
Edits 2.1 - changed blood test’s ability
Edits 2.1.5 - Changed my English