Prince rework Less powerful

There’s a lower chance of that happening. Swing is needed so we can’t mechanically confirm rolls.

If there is a point system that judges the different roles as having a specific strength and then generates roles such that everyone has the same overall power then it could work anyways

I miss bosolf

We obviously would have to not be told the specifics of this

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I know I know, I just don’t think it’s a great way to balance. it’s like putting a plaster over a wounded nee it’s fine for the most part but can leak out and be unfair.

this is an conversion game

there’s no such thing as perfect

Heck, you could even use statistical metrics in order to determine what the point values should be based off of math rather than manual assignment

King is generally hard to balance so Arugmentively it’s the best way for now.

Perfect means done in Latin and there’s no such thing as a done game

I think conversion is better then no conversions honestly

I like the idea of classes not always being confirmed.

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This game inherently has swing, this entire genre does in fact since you could always just randomly guess someone is scum and win that way.

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What draws me to play Tol over Tos (Other then Tos generally bores me nowerdays and a lot of roles are broken)

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For example perfect tense is things that happened in the past. Such things are done with

We aren’t getting rid of conversions ever

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I like conversions ;p

Tol does conversions a lot better then vampires.

btw I define Swing as “The range of possible winrates due to randomness throughout a match and during the initial setup generation”


Town of Salem stole guardian angel from us

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So if a SS means the evils are 10% more likely to win compared to not having a SS then the SS creates a swing of 10%

yes Mercenary was a good class I miss merc