Prince rework Less powerful

That’s false. I don’t know where you got that from

I think you are now confusing good players with effort

I mean if the arguement being made here is to balance such that all classes have a 33% winrate or as close to it as possible then I’m down for it.

what the heck

I thought you thought neutral killers shouldn’t win 33% of the time

I changed my mind from that while ago.


The reasoning used to come to that conclusion didn’t actually hold up to scrutiny

Specifically because, the whole point of balance is to give everyone a fair chance of winning.

And if the prior odds of any given class winning is 33% no matter what class you rolled, then that means your odds of winning are on average 33% regardless of RNG. And thus RNG can never screw you over by giving you a class with a bad winrate.

And thus any variation over a sufficiently large number of games from a winrate of 33% will be because of your own personal skill at the game.

Think of it this way.

When you are playing evolve you expect the Monster and Hunters to each have a 50% chance of winning. This is because there are 2 teams, so if each of them has the same odds of winning then you would expect each team to have a 50/50 winrate.

For games with more teams take a battle royal. In fortnite there are 100 teams of 1, and your expected winrate is 1%.

So applying that logic to Throne of Lies, there are 3 teams so your odds of winning should be 33% or 1/3. Even if those teams contain a different number of players it’s still 3 teams, just like how in evolve we don’t want the Monster to only win 20% of the time, we want him to win 50% of the time even though he is only 1/5th of the players.

Under that line of reasoning the BD is massively OP and the NK is massively UP, while the cultseen are mostly perfectly balanced.

You can make the case that the game shouldn’t be balanced in the first place, but if you want balance then those are the proper conclusions to come to.

I like the idea of nk being hard though I wouldn’t want anyone to ever change that.

and do you like that idea more or less than having a balanced game?

Nk is already balanced as it is One player shouldn’t bring down the win rate for majority factions

15% gives a sense of challenge while not being impossible.

no it’s not. It’s winrate is significantly different from other classes and that makes it unbalanced by definition, where the definition is that a game is balanced if and only if all roles have an equal chance of success before taking into account player skill.

A class is a type of role in this case.

Other examples include characters in a fighting game or the 2 sides in evolve.

You can argue that the balance isn’t worth it, but the fact that it’s not balanced is itself objective.

It depends on what you think is unbalanced I don’t think it’s unbalanced or even if it is it works.

15% or remove nk because BD shouldn’t hae a 33% win rate.