Prince rework Less powerful

Prince Blue Dragon Killer
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for being king will be doubled.
Rest (Passive) - You cannot jail Three times in a row.
Imprison - (Day) Jail a target Occupying them for the night, you’ll be able to Talk to them.
Execute - (Night) Kill your jailed player, if they are bd you’ll lost any executes left. 2 Uses.

Converts into the Duke:

Duke Unseen Offensive
Royal Blood (Passive) - Votes for being king will be doubled.
Rest (Passive) - You cannot jail Three times in a row.
Imprison - (Day) Jail a target Occupying them for the night, you’ll be able to Talk to them.
Interrogation - (Night) You’ll learn the jailed players class - 2 Uses.

Prince now randomly spawns and isn’t guaranteed.
I like the Idea of making Prince a less reliable class, I believe no class should hold such power as prince, of course evils win rates will go higher which is a bad thing if it’s by too much, their could be ways of making evils less stronger to slightly negate the effects or making some bd classes stronger.

Of course this will be generally unpopular but this is a important class change for balance and I’m willing to talk about my thoughts behind this idea, of course if there is better changes or suggestions feel free to say.

Main Changes:

  • Reduced the Execute count to 2.
  • Jails no longer prevents visitors.
  • Prince is now convertible.
  • Jail cool-down. (cannot use imprison three times in a row).
  • Harsher Punishment for killing bd.
  • Doesn’t always spawn

I think this is meant to say execute count

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stop making more swingy classes. Personally I would just make prince a jail keeper with a one shot guiltless vigilante

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Swingy? think it makes it less swingy honestly.

Guiltless isn’t as swingy as a CS style kill

Eh really depends I feel like making prince more careful about who they execute is a better thing like CS

It does kill two bd but gives a risk factor maybe it is a bit too much though.

I’m sure you could argue that it’s also too much with Knight.

Well knight can’t even kill death immune classes in the case so cs is kinda bad in comparison to something that can bypass everything and doesn’t punish bad play.

it’s comparable in terms of the risk. Not the reward

I think personally both should either die if killing bd or none.

Maybe knight’s abilities could be disabled idk.

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Me too. Not a priority tho

How about
Infinite executions until BD exed + guilt?

no get out of here


This is a rework to make prince less useful/swingy not more.

This is just bad. Most games are almost a certain evil win once the prince dies. Now you’re telling me there might not even be a prince?

What? Why? What is the reasoning behind this? It seem pretty arbitrary to just have it at 3.

Why did you move it down a use? For being the BD’s most powerful class, 3 executes is fine by itself.

Why? If there was a Duke, then there can be a Prince-Invoker. Converting the Prince is basically the same as killing them, only now you’re twice as powerful and in unseen games you might be executed for just being visited.

Overall: If you want balance, you would have to rework the Unseen/Cult assuming there was no Prince.

  1. Don’t you see the issue with what you just said Evils winning based on prince randomly dying or being bad is a BAD thing why should a Class be that reliable to a factios win
  2. To futher nerf prince, makes prince be more tactical when they use jail.
  3. it shouldn’t be bd’s most powerful class, No class should be over overbearingly powerful carrying all the others.
  4. Mystic exists? if mystic is converted mid-game they are normally screwed.

You 100% missed the point of this post. I would read the whole post.


this in particular

soul what changes to classes are you going to do if this prince was added :thinking: