Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

You can’t say that until post game

Wait why would anyone ever want to nolynch in this setup

I voted max cuz he tried to see if im baiting so he probably doesnt waste a night at a cit :thinking:

I’ll say it there then.

Vote joker I saw him as mafia.

It’s exactly what he did yesterday in AITP3

Im still mad he lost

They probably wouldn’t but I have must-know-the-rules-itis tbh

me too…

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I don’t think we’ve ever hung FK Before. Except that one time he claimed SK. :thinking:

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I’ll take HTM’s incoming overcompensation for 100

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I’ll raise that bet lol

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SK = Spamkitten?

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I’m saying I have never been caught as scum from being read.

Mostly was because someone attacked me N1. I didn’t give correct results as observer. Ect

*throwing chips on the table

I don’t think it was a bet, I think he meant like the jeapordy category

Can we try not meme for like 10 mins

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Im scorned kill max


I’ll mix all the metaphors :stuck_out_tongue:

(Where’s that Zapp Branigan quote when you need it lol)

I don’t think I’ve ever been wrong in Memesky yet
This fits perfectly with his scum AI

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