Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

no i just forgot but this is a really awkward time to end day

Wait if I did can you get par and Ashe?


/blame Marl, vote Nerbins

Wait Iā€™m not dying

/Vote Captian

As long as I donā€™t die

thatā€™s some good town motivation right there yes yes

Exactly glad you agree

Guys, there were no posts in two hours. Have some milkshakes while we wait for my inevitable death.Image result for milkshake

dibs on topright

Iā€™ll get bottom left

hecc you
you stole my shake

@Kirefitten @Whammerist @orangeandblack5 @MaximusPrime @Ashe

Change of plans
Chinese Fire Drill to Parfait

/vote Parfait

/Vote Par

Choo choo

Was it because they stole your milkshake?


also because i think nerbins isnā€™t dumb enough to do what he just did as scum

/vote Parf

make up your mind ffs

What reason?

Only thing I can think of is that youā€™re going for a new record.
2 CFDs, 2 Misslynches

max are you sure you arenā€™t faking that cop check lol