Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

For me it would, sure. But I don’t see how that applies to anyone else?

Everyone keep your vote on Kitten. How about it?

Because heres the deal.


is that better?

Pretty much mood, yeah

And if you flip, we still gain more info.

Nah, I’d rather get a more or less sure win thanks

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Kitten. Lynching you is the best thing for town.
So if you are one of us, shut up.

Not really.

Ashes refusal to vote for PAR shows me shes scum.

She basically just confirmed herself and par as scum if I flip town

And, if I was scum, wouldn’t I want to change my vote off of the gamesolve?

I have the right to talk.

Orange accused you a lot, though.
Is he your scum bud?

Actually, that would be a hell of a power play, and we’re talking about orange here. :thinking:

You know she basically admitted to being scum by saying that if I flip town orange is confirmed town?
Since MARL + WHAMMERIST + NERB are confirmed.

And she says orange is confirmed town.

It leaves par + ashe

When is day over?

Not confirmed, lock town. Huuuge difference, and now that I just realised who I’m dealing with, not even that.

You’re just being desperate now.

I’m just telling you that her logic says that they are both scum.

And my logic says otherwise.

Tomorrow is going to be really stressful either way, basically.

Whats that logic?