Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)


Nah I killed the most people Iā€™m obv MVP

Yes I unintentionally made Parfait look not scum lul

gg GJ Parfait and Ashe and everyone else

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But yeah, Parf played well. GG.

The mafia in unknown werenā€™t sane
they were too busy bickering while pkr planted bombs on their asses


No, she actually fucking didnā€™t

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What were they arguing about :thinking:

I will NEVER respect mafia who play inactive and just act like theyā€™re busy IRL

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Well I suck.
Thereā€™s no difference.

HTM Is the MVP this game 100%


Orange did the same thing as town.

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Wait guys.

Donā€™t be angry at him.

Be angry at disco. Itā€™s somehow his fault

Thing is, youā€™re right.

exactly and thatā€™s why i will not ever respect mafia who use inactivity as a strategy


This was an experience.

@discobot fortune

Is it ur fault?

:crystal_ball: My reply is no

Oh rip

I agree. HTM won us that.

I was seriously unable to play due to irl things for the first few days after I signed up [exams], I just played it off as a strat

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Also inb4 I die before F3 for the rest of my life

As maf. As NK. As town. I will never. Let you live.