Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Town reads:

Is that what you wanted?


You failed

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Rocket science


How am I being salty in anyway?


Oh boi this is super read-sided. I canā€™t handle this


Itā€™s better if someone good at reading takes my place


Idk tbh, He didnā€™t explain his thinking on why Wham has been acting scummy

Or Shuri was typing logs as scum and then realized there were no logs

Iā€™m just saying this is as another possibility doesnā€™t mean Shuri is scum btw, I have been reading Shuri as townie so far but Iā€™m just putting this out there just in case

/vote Meme if I havenā€™t already

brb angleshooting this /s

Yeah why would he vote you?

Oh fook me wrong game sorry

The heck did you expect? Thereā€™s one PR. Other than that itā€™s mountainous


the city of angles

We have like 13 hours until days end

Iā€™m fine placing my vote on Cassar until he speaks up.

We canā€™t have inactives living late into the game or town is doomed to die

Prove to me youā€™re town or prove to me youā€™re capable of actually playing the game. Until then my vote sticks @Cassar
/vote Cassar

What you think about Max?

I think Max is scum but I always think Max is scum
Iā€™m going to check him tonight. If Iā€™m not the cop, Iā€™m encouraging the cop to check him tonight.

I already said Im checking fire :man_cartwheeling:

I think I remember Cassar being on Discord.
Also I think he has that restriction.

Mm. Not really.

Should I ping him in Discord?