Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Ahh… endless thinking faces lul

but I still do think that’s what a townie Max would say tbh

Ah yes because my 65 posts of talking to specifically you were avoiding interaction

Nice of you to bring it up then :thinking: Or even hint that you knew?

All game you’ve contributed practically nothing to the discussion. You’ve got quite a few posts, but they’re mostly fulled with pointless LAMIST posts and trying to start irrelevant tangents.

You’ve very reluctantly given one single read and that’s effectively all you’ve done. You haven’t been asking questions or attempting to scumhunt AT ALL. This doesn’t fit your town AI in any way.

Marl do you read what you type

The only reason I have to believe you are town is a slight angleshoot of this
I don’t think Ici would have sent this message if you were mafia

Do you read what I type?

I don’t even think you’re reading my iso
i think you dropped it on the ground are trying to assemble the shattered pieces you remembered

marl calm the fuck down

i still think this is probably TvT

also you overthink many things and say some pretty stupid things sometimes tbh
this reads as town whammerist to me, and you seem pretty townie as well so PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOP ARGUING no one wants to read 200+ posts of Marl vs Whamm spam kthx

please just flop your read on me like you’ve done with literally every other read you’ve had this game

Considering you can’t even read yourself half the time, you’re not qualified to read Wham

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I haven’t given any reads this game besides Hippo being town and you being scum though?
And I’ve maintained that this entire time.
I may have had a scumlean on someone but that isn’t a hard read.

Way to nitpick your away around most of your horribly LAMIST and anti town posts btw
I’ll quote them when i’m back on my pc after i wake up

except i very clearly responded to what you said
you said I haven’t given analysis, that’s very clearly and evidently incorrect

Ok hold on a sec. How did Hippo proved himself as Townie? Because honestly the only thing he did was reckless push on Max, without a good explanation.


cuz i’m apparently always scum and any push on me seems reasonable and gives massive town cred :thinking:

No it doesn’t if you flip town you incompetent buffoon

Just to be clear do you think I’m scum for pushing you?

Obviously I’m not proved town twi, noone is saying anyone is proved anything.

However Marl reading you as Town for some reason and this is quite interesting…

yes. very.

i seem to be the first push from scum to get town cred(“low hanging fruit”) and there has been at least one scum on my wagon probably.

you are VERY suspicious in my eyes, and if the cop agrees with the others and thinks i’m town, i suggest you check Hippo tonight.

You are so bad. Explain to me how pushing a mislynch d1 gains town-cred. Scum don’t normally even try to ml you - you are probably just selfcentred do think that happens to you every game. Give me ONE scumread apart from the person who has pushed you.