Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Your attempt to take a bullet for me is admirable but i’m dying tonight


holy AtE batman
i’m genuinely hurt
/vote Marluxion

Ohnoes. How could he have seen that?

May I ask why you are voting our supposed cop claim?

I wasn’t trying to insult you or throw shade
I was strictly talking about myself

If I start disrespecting all the new players and saying they’re incapable of showing town motivation, i’ll just start sounding like a total asshole

I’m glad you think he’s cop
But this isn’t Town!Marl

this clearly contradicts yourself

batman doesn’t feel emotions :thinking:

I was talking about myself

i don’t like this post

keyword is “supposed” and yet you still ask? shouldn’t it be obvious?

you’ve done goofed
you are not town this game

Idk what he is but if he is a cop hes good and if hes fake claiming cop to protect the real cop then that’s not scum imo



that was intentional

Remember that post where I went
Marl is literally contradicting every piece of analysis I make
I just realized why
Because Marl’s scum AI is to just shit on the opinions of the other powerplayers lol

…Where’s the town motivation here, exactly?
I’m not afraid of Whammerist trying to push a lynch on me
So if I were to be fake claiming cop, why explain it? (I’m not fake claiming btw, I’m the real cop.)

I was just worried about Whammer having his feelings hurt about taking something i said out of context

When I say “supposed” I mean he can be fake claiming cop

If that makes sense

i think htm may have just let slip two of the scum team members

Doesn’t make any sense at all. K let me try to help you. I been busy sitting at home doing nothing when I had a lot to do before. Meaning that I realized that I have no motivation to get up and start doing something unless I was required to do something.

Makes sense to me but :man_shrugging:

i know, that’s what i pointed out

but then you still tried to put a bit of suspicion on him even though all of that should’ve been obvious

we’re trying to protect the cop here, so sometimes it’s better not to point out the obvious. the scum might miss it if they’re not careful.


Reads now.

“Checking” kitty tonight.