Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

/vote Hippo

Also I know who the real cop is so that’s something

Tw1 is non-existent.

Cassar is slowly disappearing into air.

/vote Hippo

Choo choo?

one open slot shurian ONE slot

are the town motivation marl memes stale yet

also HOLY FUCK you should not be wagoning hippo right now

/vote Hippo

I actually read him as scum anyway so sure

Hippo probably told you in the scum chat to call him out as scum as a plan to give him town cred. It’s the exact kind of thing Hippo would do

Literally everyone unvote off of Hippo this instant until I establish something

Yeah I’m sure hippo would tell me that tbh

did marl just say that the cop was someone who has talked

congratu fucking lations marl that’s such a scummy post
if you turn out to be town and if town wins i’m going to be geniunely impressed

“someone who has talked”

no offense this is why fm on this site is fucking unbearable
if my username was marluxion this day would be 300 posts shorter

how so?

I dont even know if cop dies first, rip town.

Definitely not me. I ain’t cop. I think?

You do realize I’m against everything he says and has voted him multiple times :thinking:

because I will advocate a wagon or point for 200 posts and no one will comment on it
you merely mention someone’s name and they get 13/12 votes on them even when your tinfoil makes no fucking sense and the person you’re wagoning is offline

Nah I deifinitely am not cop.

Firekitten - quieter than usual. null read.
Orangeandblack5 - i don’t think he has talked
Memesky -> OPEN SLOT
Ashe - has she talked?
Hippolytus - scummy wagon on me, no reasoning, and some flawed logic
Marluxion - idk maybe he just can’t read people that well. or maybe he’s scum. one of the two
Mthejoker -> CaptainNerbins - no clue, needs to talk more
Shurian - i can’t read him so null
Cassar - hasn’t talked
HTM - ehhh seems to just be sheeping tbh
MaximusPrime - me. i’m town obviously and no, this is not LAMIST
Whammerist - seems town motivated, although he’s a bit salty(more than a bit) and argues with marl a lot
Tw1light - lol has twi talked yet

meanwhile i’m the top town of apparently everyone and their fucking grandparents this game yet I can accomplish nothing
