Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Refusing to change reads is fucking dumb.

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you donā€™t realize what youā€™ve done
youā€™re given me the most power you couldā€™ve possibly given me
the power of memes

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cause youā€™ve been inactive and you suddenly switched without reading posts for no reason you buffoon

If you are saying me changing reads and adapting to new reactions and info is a bad or scummy thing you are truly beyond redemption




Because you kept pushing me even when everyone else switched for a bit and I donā€™t think you have the intelligence to do that as scum.

yeah thatā€™s how you take a screenshot
well done

idc iā€™m too lazy ok

lemme play my games in peace

Serious question
@Icibalus flip Marl as town no matter what

Is it worth losing the game


in all seriousness that wager and immediate subsequent flop was the most LAMIST post Iā€™ve ever seen

fuck now I actually think wham is scum over marl

When in doubt

/Vote Htm

Iā€™m too tired for this shit. I imagine marl vs wham is TvS. Hang one of them tomorrow.

no hang one of us TODAY
i am 100% confident marl is scum

Well would be checking Marl lul

If I were cop

I would push ummā€¦ Htm.

he selfvoted, made LAMIST wagers, and 180ā€™d literally all of his reads
like fuck

Max is never changing from me, shurians not changing from fire, and there are too many sheepies.