Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Oh he’s kinda memey and I was actually laughing at him when I was scum in Triple Threat.

However, he was my lifeline

We didn’t convert Maxi because he was way too scummy and for some weird reason people were suspecting him

He actually wanted push a confirmed town when only DK left. Lel


Why don’t you convert me :frowning:

Unfortunately, from my pov, that was the absolute last thing to do when you’re town. Target the last person that is not poisoned.

Because we were occupied TWO NIGHTS


Converting Mystic fucked us up because the convert alt got rekted by a bootler

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I thought it was supposed to be not real vote.

Prolly too fast vote and taking it seriously too fast then. /shrug

If only you knew.

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Before I die here in roughly 30 minutes I’m going to rant a little bit

Wait actually I have a couple of hours

Who are you kidding, you would have ranted anyway.


First of all,
“Marl isn’t scummy but I’m lynching him for information” makes pretty much no sense. Seeing as it’s d1, ALMOST EVERYONE on my wagon can get away with a classic “Oh, my bad. Was just misreading him.”

We should still be trying to lynch the scummiest person. Ideally we want to actually hang someone who has been active and scummy. This way we get the most information.

Insulting someone because of their reads DAY ONE in a mountainous game doesn’t buy you town cred. It just makes you a fucking asshole who is unbearable to play with. Especially coming from the most common mislynch @MaximusPrime . You have no right to comment on a person’s performance in a game DURING SAID GAME.

In what world would I make the plays I have made as scum? Anyone voting me right now needs to ask themselves that question. Why would I try and get the town as much information as is humanly possible and attempt to formulate theories on who the scum are?
This is what is called “Town Motivation”, aka the thing people keep accusing you of lacking when you sit around memeing for the entirety of days in games like these.

Stop voting people just based on who they have voted. It makes absolutely no fucking sense d1. We have no information. We don’t know who the cop is. “Hippo is scummy because he uh… he fuckin voted Max!” isn’t a valid reason to call Hippo scum. There are two reasons for this. One, If Hippo were town, he wouldn’t know what Max is. Secondly, WE Have no idea what Max is. Voting Hippo just because he tried to pressure someone else with his vote DOES NOT MAKE HIM SCUM.

Fifth and finally,
Pressuring someone with a vote is completely fine on inactives. This forces and encourages them to interact with other players. Lynching an inactive d1, however IS NOT Ideal. Regardless of what they flip, they’ve had the least amount of interactions during the day. The goal of d1 in a mountainous esque setup is to A) Try out best to lynch scum, but B) also get as much information as we can to set us up for the best chance to win.

People who were slinging insults at me left and right last night JUST FOR ACTUALLY GIVING A FUCK AND TRYING TO PLAY legitimately made me want to stop playing Forum Mafia here.


Not If I was dead I wasn’t, because I’m not going to ruin the game integrity of ici’s game for no reason.

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Btw Marl I had no idea you weren’t the cop

I kinda guessed you weren’t because of that d1 top townreads but other than that I had no idea

I feel like all of Marl’s plays rn are townie

Just trust me on this one

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Info lynch the person you’ve listed as YOUR SINGLE TOP TOWN READ? This singlehandedly outs you as not the cop. The cop would never advocate a lynch on the person they had a n0 check out. IN NO WORLD.

What?! Max acting scummy DOESNT MAKE HIM AUTO TOWN TW1. Just because he acts scummy as town DOESNT MEAN HE DOESNT DO IT AS SCUM!
That’s called NAI - Not Alignment Indicative. MEANING THE PUSH ON MAX WAS COMPLETELY VALID.

They tend to ruin themselves, though…/s

In what universe are you sheep here? You STARTED the push on me.