Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)


You aren’t cop becauze I’m cop

first of all 1.Im not mafia

lol that was a typo i meant to say ur

I’m legitimetly waiting for Cop. Hoping he checked Hippo.If not and he’s by any chance mafia…

stop talking to not let slip all your buddies

If Fire is scum it means HTM is likely clean


I have the right to remain silent and the right to spam away


You just became one if my top townreads

Since HTM was pushing on fire since d1

why don’t u think I’m cop

/vote Firekitten

You’re quite anti-townie for being one honestly but maybe you are who knows.

u cuz ur scum

Hippo if you were cop you wouldn’t out right say you are cop.

You would say I think fire is scum and more or less never claim cop.

You would soft your D0 check incase you died.

And so if you lived you may check another “mafia”

If fire flips town who do we Lynch tomorrow?

me cuz I’d be lying but I’m not

Why does autocorrect make the “L” capital in lynch wtf

You wouldn’t out right say I’m scum if your cop.

You aren’t cop

Because of David Lynch

Could be a clever ploy to seem not cop

Who knows

/vote Fire I guess