Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Tbh I really suspect Nerb/FK rite now…

Nerb Scuspect Posts(Yeah Scum+Suspect)

Just why?

Impossible to read this


So you can sheep it?

Any scum can just go meme try to distract town and that “I think Marl and Ashe are town” is what any scum could say

Meme/random voting?

Again meme/random voting?

Why would any townie say this?

Uhh Scum trying to distract us?

After that a bunch of inactivity.

FK Scuspect

Yeah because I’m too lazy to find quotes I’m just going to say this, he has been sheeping and not being SK.

He normally does not sheep until there is a good reason. (I’m pretty sure he was against it in 1 game)

I feel like he always is SK when he is townie.

Htm you don’t know why he voted me

Torture chamber 1 is the reason

Is this possible on mobile because I don’t see it


K guys I’ll rather go for someone else now

/Vote Max

Give us a good defence plz

Has htm ever done a PbPA before

Uh, instead of me explaining your weird push, I think you should explain your push instead

Nah you explaining your defence is much better.

Doesn’t seem to be, rip

If I could understand what that means then I will tell you

if you mean the quotes yes I have done them many times before in previous games

“Post by Post Analysis. This is a detailed analysis of (usually one player’s) posts.”

please buy poison antidote



well I have done that before

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/vote Ashe
Pls contribute

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this game still exists
and htm is not scum

so pls move your votes

p r o v e i t

go read his fucking posts
that’s not scum htm

look at Ashe’s ISO
She’s shown pretty much no town motivation
I want reads from her

/vote Ashe

Hard lurker…there is nothing we can say about them. :thinking:
For the record hammer should be like a day ago KEK

Hammer doesn’t exist

It’s EOD Lynch