Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)


This gives us the best chance to hit mafia today
and we need to hit mafia today

Just checking in here.
Iā€™m not cop btw.

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Itā€™s actually super hard to do anything when most people arenā€™t voting fire

Or even checking in

Why are we voting FK btw?

Also Iā€™m not Cop

Did we just have two people claim not to be cop?

Where :thinking:

I donā€™t know but if someone doesnā€™t quick edit they shall be eaten for lunch

Do you mean this?

Cuz Iā€™m not cop

can you say that any louder for the mafia?

Iā€™m not Cop thoā€¦

but sure

I legit am just gonna YOLO this

/vote FireKitten


/vote FK

Sheeping again cuz I have no time to read stuff

ā€œBut Firekitten doesnā€™t sheepā€
ā€œThis is a bad excuseā€

That excuse is the exact excuse I used.

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We have been scumreading FK for a while. Still not dead? OK

Yeah but I always sheep

I just read above so if the real cop can claim now and clear either 3 innocents that will be lovely

Can I use that excuse too?

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