Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

Voted Voters Number of Votes
Parfait Firekitten 1
Firekitten Orangeandblack5 1


Not so fast!

Insert slowpoke

Wait what I donā€™t remember voting Parfait

HTM said this before he got pressured. Nerbins and Parfait are now near confirmed town. I wonā€™t vote either of them today.

@orangeandblack5 you do realize who he was distancing himself the most fromā€¦ donā€™t you?


So what Iā€™m hearing is

scum vote Ashe


its you friendo
htm only has one message interacting with you
and it was a sheep vote that we forced him into

Quality Throwback :ok_hand:


Thatā€™s not distancing thatā€™s not interacting

htm/Fire is distancing

htm/me is just doing nothing lol

Now if you were saying that I was distancing myself from htm you may have a leg to stand on

After all, I was pushing him more than anybody else, although I will admit I never gave a PbPA to back up my gut

But do you actually believe that it was distancing on my part over it being another accurate gutread? I donā€™t think you do tbh

Permian Basin Petroleum Association?

Is that an actual thing and no

Donā€™t tell me what I believe :thinking:

We already defined that term earlier when htm did one

Iā€™m stating that I donā€™t believe that you believe that lol

i tend to read not interacting in thread as a sign of scum unless the interaction looks super forced tbh

This thing just felt bad and it was

Definitely looks bad for Fire too

but the firekitten htm interaction yesterday was super trash tier so