Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

That seems like a poor decision would’ve been more convinced by a snap vote onto Parfait lol

If they both voted each other I’d be sweating like hell if I tried to lynch them both

Still, this makes today’s choice easier

/vote Ashe

If anybody needs convincing on this lemme know and I can do some quotes

Majority lynch has been enabled for this day only, so this dosen’t last wayyyy too long

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@NuclearBurrito @Nerbins I’d like to hear from both of you

I am sus of you.

That’s fair but you can also see how in all circumstances Ashe is scum right

@Icibalus What is majority by the way?

Should be 3 I think

aka I know Ashe is scum because they would have been snap-lynched for a game over by now if they were town

Majority is 3 votes. As such, Ashe is at L-1

Opinion on Parf?

What’s your opinion on Parf?

/vote Ashe

It’s TVS I’ll take my chances

@Ashe has been lynched! They were Mafia

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I’m not voting Ashe until I hear @orangeandblack5 's opinion on Parf.
Wait, that was hammer? It said L-1.
I forgot L-1 didn’t mean that there was one vote on them.

I hammered

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Easy game

I think xD

Nuclear is dead, he was a Citizen.

It is still LyLo, and majority lynch is in play still.

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If anybody votes, they are scum.

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