Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

clearly just ping me and I’ll defend you for you!

thanks for defending me <3 i know i can count on you

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All right
So my first Galaxy Brain moment

Is going to say their single top town read
If you are the cop, you’re going to tell us who you KNOW is town via your random check.
If we ALL do this, it keeps the cops indentity a secret and simultainously lets us know the cops results if the cop were to die.

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My top town is Hippolytus.

@Ashe @Whammerist @Firelitten @Hippolytus @Memesky @MtheJoker @Shurian @Cassar
@Htm @MaximusPrime @Twil1ight

All of you say your top town in that exact format. If you’re the cop make sure to say who you know is town via your random check.

My top town is ashe.

DO NOT SAY “uhhh I dont know any top town rn”

It’ll out you as not the cop
Don’t stray from that format at all
“My top town is ______”

My top town-read so far is Max

ew I hate this but fine

top town tw1

Marl your a genius!

wait no actually this is fucking terrible

It’s a good way to protect the cop’s identity and simultainously get his results if he were to die

There are no journals in this game so if he dies we will never know his results.

you’re about to out like 1-5 people as not cop to the scumteam for absolutely no reason you fucking dipshirpler

You fucking wot?
If It comes down to Mafia vs Cit vs Cit knowing this check could single handedly win us the game


Yea if you checked a member of the mafia and say they are town you know that he is not the cop. Logic.

Not if people have half a brain

/vote Marluxion
that was such a bad idea
marl go the fuck back to sleep

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It’s not a bad idea as the odds of putting a mafia as your top town are incredibly slim

We need these results - this is the only way to get them without the cop hard outing himself

It also gives us information to look at when looking at night kills - Would mafia kill someone who called them their top town?

do you just not trust the cop to breadcrumb for once they die or do you not trust town to provide reads and breadcrumb like a cop would