Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)

K so here’s what happening

Marl suggested a theory on hippo htm being a team

Hippo and htm both started pushing on each other.

K recap over now vote captain

i’m not calling hippo scum you turd
i’m just posting that for if he does turn out to be scum i can quote that post and sound like a genius postgame

can you though marl.
can you really.

htm already pushed on me because he echoed what you, shurian, max, and half of Asia have said that my push on max was scummy.

Srsly if I was at all scum why the hell would I have so many ppl pushing me over literally nothing.

:thinking: faking that I can think

K his logic sounds good.

How much time do we have left @Icibalus

like 12 hours

Can we quickly vote captian?

why captain tho

can we lynch fucking marl so I have any incentive to continue trying this game. thanks.

Fire wanna vote someone who can defend themself instead of always voting inactives which means you never have to justify your reads or are put into conflict?


thinking of a reason besides inactivity like I was


/vote Marl

Oh my…

Thanks for giving me the perfect story as scum.

I’ll find a “active”

Vote me or marl or I’m dayvigging u rn

dont want to be called a gamethrower even though its like all i’ve been doing all game

No. Firekitten is our lynch today.

No I’m not.


Don’t worry

I’ll somehow talk myself out of it like I always do

duE tO THe preVAlENce OF tOWNIEs self-votINg in FrUStrAtiON, maNY SCum PLAYErs Have fakED FRUStrATiON and SELF-vOted aS AN aPPEAL tO emOTIon, In ORder tO Be read as genuIne FrUSTRAtEd ToWN. This TactIC haS lED To selF-voTing beiNg rEGarDED As A cOMMon sCUMtElL.

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i was doing it to meme you heckin scoundrel