Private Investigation FM - Game Over (Insert Red Check)



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*going to sleep :sleeping:

If something interesting will happen can ya please ping me?

small portion of his posts, heā€™s telling the cop to check HTM that is basically null between his top town and top scum reads.

However I donā€™t disagree since I already mentioned about the sheeping that FK causes.

Was it me?
Did I actually state that I didnā€™t want to be checked? I doubt so. If I did, fuck me thats anti-town af lul.

If only the cop could check me. But they canā€™t.

Also, on my very first suggestion.
Hit Hippo/Fire/Wham, check Marl.

I find Marl and Hippo to be scummy. Thatā€™s based on feelings and intuitions, and three colour pencil sharpeners dictate that I may not necessarily do the right thing.

Itā€™s the same feeling I got from Marl the moment he went all bollocks during SFoL Triple Threat.
HOWEVER, Town Marl returned from this point

I personally find firekitten a little too paranoid (wanting town cred early) for my liking but I will pass him for now. [Because I dont see so much firekitten quality post tbh. Quality post fk is super weird, even if I like it]

htm is pretty sus, but I havent seen too much and would like to give him a chance to go through at least a night in fm. (Pretty much guaranteed to live through the night because scum want him around)

Parfy/Frosty No Reads. Not for now.

Wham- I see him as town rn, but thatā€™s subject to change.

Tw1- No read. Havent went through his posts.

Ashe- No Read. Too little posts. Insane Lurker but eh :3 Good if town.

Also. Iā€™m lynching Marl rn for an info lynch. Itā€™s bad but honestly thereā€™s been enough drama to the point we can hopefully establish something.

Town Marl returned somewhere I cant even remember anymore.

Fishing postā€¦ Please waitā€¦

I forgot to set this to ā€œwatchingā€, sorry.
Whatā€™d I miss?

@Twil1ight you quoted 3 posts of mine at wildly different times and said that was an ISO.

Does someone want to explain why pushing on max was scummy instead of just going ā€œherp derpity he may have wanted a mislynch herpā€. All my posts on max being scummy were and still are valid and every time someone says itā€™s scummy of me push to him I die inside. If any of you are town and saying that please make an effort and reread it because Iā€™m very dissappppinted in you.

You pinged wrong personā€¦ give a sec to explain ya.

Because I read him as town. No other way.

My views are absolute.

I feel like Marl isnā€™t as scummy as FK rn

FK sheeps people for no reason uses bad logic imo to cover up his sheeps
Marl is trying to get 2 scum I guess? And his supposed cop claim felt really townie tbh.

OMG we have different reads one of us must be scum!!!

Totally! Omg!

Thatā€™s what you are saying which is incredibly stupid.

Keep distancing boi

You know that everyone could claim Cop? Itā€™s kinda hard to believe especially after this ā€œsudden push on Hippoā€.

Firstly, while I read you as scum not because of your different reads, but your current almighty attitude that everyone opposing you to be absolutely stupid and ignorant.

This almighty attitude will get you nowhere in my read list. Marl faced that once, I read him correctly as scum before I died (even when I was scum) in Triple Threat simply because of his actions in TT.

Because someone else did so in another game, I will not discount the possibility of you being so in this game as well. I rather have a game of salt free than a game where everyone baits salt reactions.

Just cuz heā€™s not cop doesnā€™t mean he is scum

Look at what youā€™ve done to Maxi?

But I digress. I have another vote in mind for today.

I guess he did kinda contradict himself meaning he is sorta scummy but I feel like FK is scummier tbh